Picture size and alignment

I am loading a picture in a cell like this:

objSheet.Cells.Merge(0, 0, 1, 5)
objSheet.Cells.SetRowHeightPixel(0, 75)
Dim intPicture As Integer = objSheet.Pictures.Add(0, 0, "C:\Image.gif")
Dim objPicture As Picture = objSheet.Pictures(intPicture)
objPicture.HeightInch = 0.64
objPicture.WidthInch = 4.02

1. As you can see, I give exact height and width but the image appears with a width of 9.1. Is there a way to uncheck the "lock aspect ratio" setting?

2. Is it possible to center the picture horizontally into the merged cells?


1, Please try this fix. See following codes:

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

Worksheet objSheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

objSheet.Pictures.Add(0, 1, @"F:\FileTemp\test.bmp");
objSheet.Cells.Merge(0, 0, 1, 5);
objSheet.Cells.SetRowHeightPixel(0, 75);

Aspose.Cells.Picture objPicture = objSheet.Pictures[1];
objPicture.HeightInch = 0.64;
objPicture.WidthInch = 4.02;

objPicture.IsLockAspectRatio = false;


2, Please use Picture.UpperLeftColumn; Picture.UpperLeftRow; Picture Left; Picture .Top; to set the upper-left corner.

I have the error "Error 1 'IsLockAspectRatio' is not a member of 'Aspose.Cells.Picture'. C:\_Dev\AsposeTest\AsposeTest\Form1.vb 86 13 AsposeTest"

I am using the trial of Aspose.Cells version in a VB 2005 Windows application

I have also made the test in C# (because I see your example in C#) and it is not working (as I was expecting).


Thanks for considering Aspose.

Well, Version 4.4.0 does not include Picture.IsLockAspectRatio property. Please either use the version posted by Warren in this thread or download the lastest version @:

and use it.

Thank you.

Ok I have downloaded version 4.4.1 and the property is now working. I also needed to use the Placement property to stop the picture having its size changing when a column is resized.

>>2, Please use Picture.UpperLeftColumn; Picture.UpperLeftRow; Picture Left; Picture .Top; to set the upper-left corner.

I try to center the picture in the merged cells. When I try objSheet.Cells("A1"), I cannot get the width.

How can I center the picture in the 5 columns merged?


I also needed to use the Placement property to stop the picture having its size changing when a column is resized.

Well, you may use Picture.Placement property to set it to PlacementType.FreeFloating.

I try to center the picture in the merged cells. When I try objSheet.Cells("A1"), I cannot get the width. How can I center the picture in the 5 columns merged?

Suppose you have A1:E5 merged cells. When you get the width of the A1 cell the width of the column refers to A column only, this functionality is same as MS Excel. So, you have to use your own code to centralize your picture into the merged cell area.


Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet objSheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
objSheet.Pictures.Add(0, 1, @"d:\test\school.jpg");
objSheet.Cells.Merge(0, 0, 1, 5);
objSheet.Cells.SetRowHeightPixel(0, 179);

Aspose.Cells.Picture objPicture = objSheet.Pictures[0];
objPicture.HeightInch = 1.65;
objPicture.WidthInch = 3.02;
objPicture.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
objPicture.IsLockAspectRatio = false;
objPicture.UpperLeftColumn = 0;
objPicture.UpperLeftRow = 0;
objPicture.Top = 10;
objPicture.Left = 16;

Thank you.

Ok, so I need to loop through the columns to calculate the total width.

But then, when I try to set the Left property of the Picture, I sometime receive this exception:

The left value must be less than the upper left column width.

I found that this error occurs when the first column is narrower then the left property.

So I have written that code to loop through the column width a second time to place the picture in the correct cell.


'--- Center the image in the middle of the merge cells


'Find the width (in pixels) of the merge cells

Dim intWidth As Integer = 0

For intI As Integer = 0 To 4

intWidth += objSheet.Cells.GetColumnWidthPixel(intI)


'Calculate the LEFT position of the image

Dim objPicture As Picture = objSheet.Pictures(intPictureHeader)

Dim intLeft As Integer

If intWidth > objPicture.Width Then

intLeft = (intWidth - objPicture.Width) \ 2


intLeft = 0

End If

'The Left property must abolutely be related to the UpperLeftColumn

For intI As Integer = 0 To 4

If objSheet.Cells.GetColumnWidthPixel(intI) > intLeft Then

objPicture.Left = intLeft

Exit For


intLeft -= objSheet.Cells.GetColumnWidthPixel(intI)

objPicture.UpperLeftColumn += 1

End If


Is there an easier way?