We have discovered an issue while trying to make different excel files containing pivot tables. The pivot table seems to be losing its date formatting in date columns when the pivot table has more than one value column.
I have attached a small project to demonstrate the issue. The project’s code will take an input file and do the following steps:
- Open it as a workbook,.
- Refreshes the pivot table/s.
- Finally saves it as and XLSX and a PDF file called “generated file.xlsx” and “generated file.pdf” in the same folder as the input file.
If you look at the generated PDF file the date columns have lost their date formatting.
If however you open the input file “input for pivot table with issue with values.xlsx” and take out one of the items in the pivot table’s values so there is only one value item in the pivot table, the generated PDF file still has its date formatting.
NOTE: We are aware of the latest version of Aspose.Cells, but we have found an issue with refreshing some of our pivot tables when using it, and would rather not have that issue affect the demonstration of this issue.