Pivottable expanding/collapsing support in Aspose.Cells for Java


I would like to ask whether Aspose.Cells for Java supports expanding/collapsing in pivottable.

I need this feature so that when I create a pivottable with too many rows, I can decide to dynamically expand/collapse some fields so as to keep the pivottable readable, and thus presentable to users.

According to an earlier post, this feature is not supported then (August-2008). So I would like to know if any change has happened, and if this feature is not supported yet, when is the planned date for such support.

Thanks and regards,


Hi Tang,

Well, I 'm afraid the feature is not supported yet, we may try to find some time to look into it later on. We will update you soon regarding it.

Keep in touch and thank you.

Hi Sahi,

Thanks for the prompt reply.

I guess I just have to wait and hope.

