PivotTables collection not populated after opening Workbook

PivotTables that exist in a previously-created Workbook are not accessible to the Aspose.Cells API. This is even with Workbooks that have been created with the Aspose.Cells library.


Workbook book = new Workbook();


foreach (Worksheet worksheet in book.Worksheets)


Console.WriteLine("* " + worksheet.Name);

foreach (PivotTable pt in worksheet.PivotTables)


Console.WriteLine(" - " + pt.Name);



I would expect all the current PivotTable names to be printed out… but they are not. It only seems that PivotTabkes created in the current “session” are available.


Thanks for providing us the details

Well, I 'm afraid manipulation of pivot tables in the designer files is not supported yet, we may consider to support the feature in our future versions.

Thank you.