Plain text alternative of HTML email (Meeting Request)

Working with Calendar Items on Exchange Server|Documentation


How do I set plaintext alternative for html email for metting request so that depending on email client it should render html or plaintext version?

There are two options

Just setting TextBody and HtmlBody will take care of email rendering based on client?

Hi Ekta,

Thank you for writing to us.

In case of a meeting request, setting the HtmlBody will take care of email rendering based on various clients. You can test this by sending a meeting request to your gmail account and then view the plain/text view as mentioned on this LINK. Please let us know if you have any additional query/inquiry in this regard.

One of our client is using Lotus Notes 8.5 and is unable to view the body of the email.

If I just set HTMLbody, invite is renders as raw html. If I set both TextBody and HtmlBody, there is no body.

Do I need to set appointment description as well?

When I set appointment description it overrides Text/Html body.

Just setting HTMLBody will work in lotus notes too?


Hi Ekta,

I have observed that if we set the MailMessage.HtmlBody but don’t set the IsBodyHtml = true, it renders raw html string in the body. Could you please verify that you are setting this flag to ‘true’?

If we set both the HtmlBody and TextBody and set the IsBodyHtml = true, the HtmlBody is rendered on the receiving end.

Message body can serve the purpose of appointment description so you may skip it. Regarding setting the HTML body and its impact on lotus notes, there is no difference indicated anywhere in the documentation. Therefore, setting the HtmlBody should have the same effect on lotus notes too as in other mail clients.

I do have IsBodyHtml = true.

Hi Ekta,

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

We are analyzing the issue and need little more cooperation to identify the issue as given below:

1. Could you please send a plain text MailMessage using Aspose.Email without appointment and observe the behavior at your client end using Lotus Notes? If message body is not displayed, please download the message file and send us for analysis.

2. Send plain text mail message using Outlook or some other mail client to your user and if same problem is observed, send us the received mail.

3. Send appointment using Outlook/other mail client with plain text body and if body is not displayed at user end, send us the files for analysis.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation in this regard.