Please help- deadline coming!

I have some code and it the data is being mailmerged correctly into my Word Document. All the data is correctly merged. I only have one problem (see attached example). The problem is that even on the OUTPUTTED Word document the and merge fields are still showing up!!! How do I make them go away?

?TableStart:Task? Why is this showing up in final output!! ?TableEnd:Task?

Please help!**

Make sure you understand difference between simple mail merge and mail merge with regions.

Mail merge with regions allows to repeat only the portion of the document that is between TableStart and TableEnd. Simple mail merge repeats the whole document and does not need and does not use TableStart and TableEnd.

TableStart and TableEnd markers are removed when you execute MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions and the name of the table matches the name of the mail merge region.

For example, if you have TableStart:Task then

//Just make sure the table name matches the region name.
// dataTable.TableName = "Task";

If you are using just MailMerge.Execute - then you are not using mail merge regions. If this is what you want to do, then you don’t need TableStart and TableEnd markers in your document, remove them in MS Word.