PLT => PDF Conversion quality bad c#

Still evaluating cad component to convert large amount of plt files to pdf format.

Conversion works now, but the quallity of the pdf documents are too bad. Especially the texts.
We have sample file with archicad conversion and would be nice to now can this component get near that quallity.

Here is the code for converversion
using (Image cadImage = Image.Load(info.FullName))

            RasterizationQuality q = new RasterizationQuality
                Text = RasterizationQualityValue.High,
                ObjectsPrecision = RasterizationQualityValue.High,
                Arc = RasterizationQualityValue.High,
                Hatch = RasterizationQualityValue.High,
                TextThicknessNormalization = true

            // Set different properties for CadRasterizationOptions
            CadRasterizationOptions options = new CadRasterizationOptions
                AutomaticLayoutsScaling = false,
                PageHeight = cadImage.Size.Height,
                PageWidth = cadImage.Size.Width,
                UnitType = cadImage.UnitType,
                Quality = q,

            // Specify PdfOptions for rendering
            PdfOptions pdfOptions = new PdfOptions
                VectorRasterizationOptions = options,

            // Convert PLT to PDF file and save output document
            var outputPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.{2}", tempLocation, filename, "pdf");
            cadImage.Save(outputPath, pdfOptions);
            return new Tuple<bool, string, string>(true, outputPath, attr);

I can provide a sample plt file with email, if that is needed.

Best regards, Anssi

archicad_sample.png (153.4 KB)
aspose_sample.png (67.2 KB)


Can you please share the source PLT and generated PDF file with us that we may observed on our end to help you further in this regard.

PLT => PDF Conversion quality bad c# - #2 by (580.0 KB)

Here is the sample file for conversion.


Thank you for sharing the information. A ticket with ID CADNET-8043 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.