Polylines with text are converted without the text


We have come across a CAD feature that is not converted correctly to SVG, PDF PNG or any format by the Aspose.CAD library.

The screenshots below are respectively a part of the dwg as viewed in TrueView and the corresponding part as converted by Aspose:
Original.png (54.1 KB)
Converted.png (65.1 KB)

As you can see there are lines that are meant to have text in the middle but they lose it upon conversion.

We are also attaching the full dwg and resulting png for reference.

Could you please help us to figure out if this is a bug with the library or if we are not using some option correctly?

Full.zip (8.8 MB)


Could you please provide the code you are using to perform the conversion with Aspose.CAD and specify the options you are using?

Sure, here’s the code:

var svgRasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions
    // Set page width & height
    BackgroundColor = Color.White,
    DrawType = CadDrawTypeMode.UseObjectColor,
    ExportAllLayoutContent = true,
    Layouts = [layout.LayoutName]

var svgOptions = new SvgOptions
    VectorRasterizationOptions = svgRasterizationOptions, TextAsShapes = false

await image.SaveAsync(fileToUploadPath, svgOptions);

We don’t have support for linestyles with text unfortunately. We have created CADNET-10067 to implement this.

Hi @oleksii.gorokhovatskyi,

This explains why we could not get the linestyle no matter what we tried.

Thanks for creating the ticket!

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