Populating tables with MailMerge

I am facing some difficulties trying to generate a word document displaying contacts information, specifically tables.
I use the following payload and word template:
01_SB_Template.docx (13.0 KB)

  "Template": "01_SB_Template.docx",

  "Data": {
    "FirstName": "Adam",
    "LastName": "Jensen",
    "Contacts": [
        "Name": "John Doe",
        "Email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "Phone": "123-456-7890"
        "Name": "Jane Smith",
        "Email": "janesmith@example.com",
        "Phone": "098-765-4321"
        "Name": "Emily Johnson",
        "Email": "emilyjohnson@example.com",
        "Phone": "555-555-5555"

I managed to generate the word document by calling the flowing endpoint “/words/01_SB_Template.docx/MailMerge”

The simple mergefields are populated poperly but not the table and I’m not sur what is missing:
Generated_Document.docx (10.2 KB)

Some help would be appreciated in this matter.

@SofianeB You should use ExecuteWithRegions method to fill the regions with data. Please see our documentation for more information:

Thank you for your answer,
Unfortunately ExecuteWithRegions does not seems to work for me.
Is this method available through the Aspose.Cloud API ?
e.g. would the format of the enpoint be like “/words/01_SB_Template.docx/ExecuteWithRegions” ?

I’m using postman at the moment to try out Aspose capabilities (the end goal being to make these calls from Salesforce).

Ok, it seems the required format for the request is as follows /words/01_SB_Template.docx/MailMerge?withRegions=true (withRegions=true)
The table is genetated properly now.

Is there any documentation providing details about the use MailMerge with Aspose.cloud?
My use cases revolve around using Rest call in conjunction with Word template in order to generate documents.

This topic has been moved to the related forum: Populating tables with MailMerge - Free Support Forum - aspose.cloud