PowerPoint Chart's Data Label Is Displayed as [CELLRANGE] Instead of the Actual Value

When adding a data label to a pie chart with “Value from Cells” in a.pptx, the converted pdf cannot display the values correctly. Instead, it would show “[CELLRANGE]”. Is there a way to get over this?

image.jpg (179.7 KB)
Output file:
image.png (96.7 KB)


public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en-us"));
        // instantiate a Presentation object that represents a presentation file
        Presentation pres = new Presentation("pptx.pptx");
        try {
            // save the presentation to PDF with default options
            pres.save("output.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);
        } finally {
            if (pres != null) pres.dispose();

Thank you for describing the issue.

Could you please also share the “pptx.pptx” file you used? You can zip the file and upload an archive here or share a link to the file in a file storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.).

Sure, I can upload it later on. Tho I believe this is a general case and I can have this easily produced on both Mac and windows. Simply create a pie chart → add data labels → click on the data label and toggle on value from Cells

I’m on aspose slides 24.2


Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the problem by following these steps. We need a sample presentation.

Hi @andrey.potapov, this is the mentioned pptx file. Thanks!
Presentation1.pptx.zip (37.7 KB)

Thank you for the sample presentation. Without using the license I get the same results, but with the license the result looks fine. output.pdf (18.6 KB)
Please check your results with the license for Aspose.Slides.