Powerpoint Charts

Is there any plan to add the ability to add native powerpoint charts to slides? I know I can embed an excel document as an OLE object, but it's not the same as a powerpoint chart. Doesn't look the same, doesn't act the same, and would require more development to create. I'd like the same chart API that exists in the Cells product where you can simply add a chart. Any way to get this added?<br><br>Thanks<br>

So I waited over a week and got no replies. I guess that’s my answer.

I am sorry, you had to wait without reply. I need to confirm, this feature request is already in our queue. If not, I will add it after approval. But it is not possible to implement it in near future.

Thank you for your patience.

We were in the same boat for a quite a while -- holding out hope that Aspose would be able to support the MS Graph object... but we finally came to the realization that implementing this capability is much more difficult than it appears. Basically they would need to reverse engineer the MS Graph file format, which probably isn't a trival task.

Instead, we finally broke down and decided to go with Aspose.Charts + Aspose.Slides to satisfy our requirements for charting inside of PowerPoint slides. We've found it actually works really well, especially now that they have a Chart.ToImage() method for creating the rendered image very accurately.

The only drawback is the size of the PowerPoint is now quite a bit larger since under the hood it is embedding Excel objects instead of MS Graph objects.

It might also be worth noting that going forward (Office 2007 and beyond), Microsoft has dropped MS Graph as its default charting component. It's still there for backward compatibility, but if you create a new MS 2007 PowerPoint document, and insert a chart -- the chart object will be an Excel object.


Is there any plan to add the ability to add native powerpoint charts to slides? I know I can embed an excel document as an OLE object, but it's not the same as a powerpoint chart. Doesn't look the same, doesn't act the same, and would require more development to create. I'd like the same chart API that exists in the Cells product where you can simply add a chart. Any way to get this added?


We use Dundas Charts to create the chart and import the image file that is created behind the scene to put onto the powerpoint file. Works quite well.