Hi, I’m using Aspose.Slides to generate powerpoint files (weekly report) in an application.
a new requirment as been raised from my client to view the reports in his web-site.
I have seen that I can save Aspose.Slides.Presentation as HTML, but the issue here is that the PPT links are not transferred to html - they slides are shown as static images.
Am I missing something?
Thank you for the issue description. Could you share the presentation file and simple code example reproducing the error, please? Also, specify the version of Aspose.Slides you used.
I have rather old version of Aspose.Slides (), in that version I’m just gettting an exception “This export format is not implemented for PPT yet”, but I’ve tried to run the powerpoint in
and I’m getting images without links.
This topic has been moved to the related forum: PowerPoint to HTML with links - Free Support Forum - aspose.app