PPTX to PDF Conversion Using Aspose.Slides for Java Takes More than 5 Minutes


I am using Aspose.total with Developer OEM license.

  • With Aspose slides, I am trying to convert a PPTX file to PDF as follows :

com.aspose.slides.LoadOptions loadOptions = new com.aspose.slides.LoadOptions();
Presentation pres = new Presentation(GZIPInputStreamObject, loadOptions);
pres.save(fileOutputStream, com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat.Pdf);

  • I am using the latest version of Aspose slides [21.12 ]
  • Server Configurations :
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9 (Maipo)
CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:7.9:GA:server
Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-1160.49.1.el7.x86_64
Architecture: x86-64

This is our server configuration.

sample_pptx.7z (457.2 KB)
When we convert the above file, the file preview using Aspose takes more than 5 minutes.

This sample PPTX file is downloaded from the internet.
This file contains 1000 slides. [File Size - 1.66 MB]
We face issue only for this selected file.

Could you check from your side once and let us know is there any issue in this selected file formatting ?

Thank you for posting the inquiry.

It looks like it takes a long time to convert PPTX to PDF because there are so many slides with background images in the presentation.

Could you please clarify what these words mean? What exactly are you doing?

Thank You for the immediate reply.

the file preview using Aspose

We are using Aspose library for displaying file preview in browser.

  1. Using Aspose slides, we will convert the original PPTX file to PDF file.
  2. The converted PDF file will be displayed in the browser [we mentioned this as file preview]

Our Client have different application for a similar File Preview functionality.
In that application, The same PPTX file converted to PDF and file preview available within 1 minute.
[NOTE : They are not using Aspose for PDF conversion.]

So client expecting the same PDF conversion time in our application.
is it possible to speed up the PDF conversion time in Aspose ?

Thank you for the additional information.

Our development team is constantly working to improve the performance of PDF conversion. Unfortunately, I don’t see a way to speed up the conversion for this case.

To investigate this case on our side deeper, please share and specify the following:

  • the output PDF file with the preview problem
  • the version of the JDK on which the code was running

Thank You for the reply.

>> the version of the JDK on which the code was running
We are using [java.version - 1.8.0_231]

>> the output PDF file with the preview problem
There is no problem in the preview. It is taking more time for the conversion.
This file takes more than 5 minutes for the file preview.
[Sometimes it takes 5.3 minutes, Sometimes it takes 5.4 minutes]

Thank you for the additional information.
I’ve reproduced the problem with converting the presentation to PDF and added a ticket with ID SLIDESJAVA-38717 in our issue tracking system. Our development team will investigate this case. We will inform you of any progress.

Could you share us about the status of this issue.

As far as I can see, our developers worked on the issue. I’ve requested information for you.

Could you share us about the update for this issue.

I’ve requested information from our development team again. We will reply to you soon.

The issue has a normal priority. Unfortunately, it was postponed due to other priority issues. You may increase the issue priority by contacting Paid Support. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Could you share us about the update for this issue fix?

Unfortunately, the issue remains the same. I have no new information about this. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Could you share us about the update for this issue fix?
Since this issue taking long time to get the fix process, could you verify it once.

Unfortunately, the issue has been postponed for the time being due to other priority issues.

Could you share us update on this issue.

Unfortunately, the issue is still in the same state.

Could share us update on this issue.

As far as I can see, the issue is still postponed. We apologize for any inconvenience.

It’s almost one year!
Could you please share us the updates on this issue