We are running some basic test with aspose, but with some pptx files (see the attached one), we are having errors. Our application generates PPTX files concatenating some templates. The result file is ok for microsoft powerpoint, libreoffice and google presentation, but it seems that something is wrong for the aspose library.
If we run the same test with a simple file, before the concatenation, it works fine.
Could we get some help on this issue?
environment: java 17 on mac
source code:
public class ConvertPowerPointToPDFWithAspose {
static {
// Instantiates the License class
com.aspose.slides.License license = new com.aspose.slides.License();
// Sets the license file path
public static void main(String []args) throws Exception {
//Create a Presentation instance
String pptxFileName = args[0];
String pdfFileName = args[1];
Presentation pres = new Presentation(pptxFileName);
try {
// Saves the presentation as a PDF
pres.save(pdfFileName, SaveFormat.Pdf);
} finally {
if (pres != null) pres.dispose();
sample pptx file: report_merge_all.pptx - Google Drive