PptxReadException when Loading a Presentation in Java (Landray RDM 130744)

ppt source code:
src.zip (3.3 KB)

origin ppt files:
10月周度会议报告 工艺部.pptx.zip (5.0 MB)

converted error:

Caused by:class com.aspose.slides.PptxReadException: All column’s widths must be greater than zero. —> class com.aspose.slides.PptxEditException: All column’s widths must be greater than zero. com.aspose.slides.ShapeCollection.if(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.ShapeCollection.do(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.anm.do(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.q4.do(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.q4.do(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.bg.do(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.akk.do(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.af0.do(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.afr.byte(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.afr.do(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.Presentation.if(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.Presentation.do(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.Presentation.if(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.Presentation.(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.Presentation.(Unknown Source)

Please have a check.


I have create an issue with ID SLIDESJAVA-38424 in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-38424) have been fixed in this update.