Pre-Sales Functionality Questions

Hello - we are in Pre-Sales analysis and have a few questions. We were told to come here and ask.

  1. Are the following fields available to retrieve values by each task in a MPP file using Aspose.Tasks?
    Free Float Duration
    Total Float Duration
    On Critical Path (Boolean Yes/No)
    On Driving Path (Boolean Yes/No)
    Baseline Duration
    Start Variance Duration
    Finish Variance Duration

  2. Can you retrieve the values for Tasks Custom Field using the Custom Field Name (e.g. Alias)

  3. Can you retrieve the values for Tasks Enterprise Custom Fields?

  4. Can you retrieve the values for Tasks Enterprise Custom Fields by Enterprise Custom Field Name (e.g. Alias)?

Thank you


AFAIK MS Project doesn’t have these fields, but have Free Slack and Total Slack fieds.
These fields can be retrieved by Aspose.Tasks using Tsk.FreeSlackTimeSpan and Tsk.TotalSlackTimeSpan.

Yes, this can be done using Tsk.IsCritical.


Yes, using Task.Baselines collection and TaskBaseline.Duration property.

Yes, using Tsk.StartVariance and Tsk.FinishVariance properties.

Yes, ExtendedAttribute.AttributeDefinition.Alias property can be checked for.

Yes, values of Task Enterprise Custom Fields are read from MPP file.

No, MPP file doesn’t contain details of Enterprise Custom Fields. You can check it by saving MPP file containing values of Enterprise Custom Fields to XML format. It contains values of Enterprise Custom Fields, but doesn’t contain name of these fields.
Values of Enterprise Custom Fields can be retrieved by FieldId.

Thank you very much!


Michael Franks

Midnite Dynamics

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