When loading a Msg/Oft/Tnef to MapiMessage or MailMessage and saving it as Eml, Mht or Html and all other formats, which body part will be used to be saved as the Html part of Eml/Mht files, or the body of Html documents?
The source Msg/Oft/Tnef might have both Rtf and Html parts inside, and I just found that there’s cases that instead of direct saving of Msg Html body part to target Eml/Html, it’s better to convert source Msg Rtf part to Html because of some known issues in Outlook internal Rtf to Html converter which is used to generate the Html part of Msg and other encoding related issues.
So is there any LoadOptions for loading Msg/Oft/Tnef files that specify when saving such messages as other formats, if it has both Html and Rtf body parts, which one to use to render the output?
If not, can be added to the feature request list?
Worth to see: