We're potentially interested in your Aspose.Tasks for .NET, but before we can make a decision, we need to know if it supports writing to MPP format. Your website gives conflicting information on this, so could you please clarify the following statements; moreover, in the what's new section, I see a post from April 27th of this year that indicates the write functionality of MPP files may be very limited.
"Aspose.Tasks for .NET...enables .NET applications not only to read Project® documents in MPP and XML formats but also to write Project® documents in XML format without utilizing Microsoft Project®."
"Aspose.Tasks for .NET enables you to read, write and modify Microsoft Project® documents, MPP projects (native MS Project 98 - 2003, 2007 format), and XML format (MS Project 2000 – 2003, 2007 supported).
"The link to the post I referred to is: `http://www.aspose.com/community/blogs/aspose.tasks-for-.net/archive/2010/04/27/project-summary-information-for-mpp-document-writing-custom-properties-read-and-write-support-added-in-aspose-tasks-for-net.aspx`
We specifically need all of the following features to their full fidelity, and we're not sure if your product is able to meet our expectations.
Create new MPP file
Set Name
Set Title
Set Author
Set Company
Edit the Base Calendar
Edit Columns
Edit Bar Styles
Edit Timescale
Add Line Items
Set Non Working Days
Save MPP file