Presentation Class Not found Slides Java for PHP

I am trying to run the test code after following the directions at

I have added the aspose.slides.16.11.0.jar, the 3rd_party directory and the license file to the /JavaBridge/WEB-INF/lib folder. When trying the Aspose_Slides_Java_for_PHP/tests/index.php, I get the following error:

HTTP Status 500 - java.lang.RuntimeException: PHP Fatal error: Class ‘com\aspose\slides\Presentation’ not found

Any thoughts?

Hi Brian,

We are looking into this, We will get back to you with feedback soon.

Best Regards,

Any luck? I really need to get this working. I can’t even get the tests working let alone live code.

And just to be clear, the tests directory goes in the JavaBridge directory as in webapps/JavaBridge/Aspose_Slides_Java_for_PHP/tests/index.php?

Index.php finds the and the autoloader but does not find the classes within aspose.slides

and I also copy my aspose.slides.x.x.x.jar, 3rd_party directory, and license file into the WEB-INF/lib/directory as well, right?

when I attempt the example:


namespace Aspose\Slides\IntroductionToPresentation;


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoload files using Composer autoload use com\aspose\slides\Presentation as Presentation; use com\aspose\slides\ShapeType as ShapeType; use com\aspose\slides\FillType as FillType; use com\aspose\slides\SaveFormat as SaveFormat; use java\awt\Color as Color; $pptx = new Presentation();

and when I attempt to use JavaBridge by calling the library directly by calling

$pptx = new Java("com.aspose.slides.Presentation",getcwd()."/Aspose.pptx");

I get:

[Mon Dec 26 22:05:36.228591 2016] [:error] [pid 23325] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught [[o:Exception]:"java.lang.Exception: CreateInstance failed: new com.aspose.slides.Presentation([o:PhpParserString]). Cause: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.aspose.slides.Presentation VM: 1.7.0_121@" at:\n#-37 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.loadClass(\n#-36 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.loadClass(\n#-35 java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)\n#-34 java.lang.Class.forName(\n#-33\n#-32\n#-31\n#-30\n#-29\n#-28\n#-27\n#-26 javax.servlet.http.HttpS in http://localhost:8080/JavaBridge/java/ on line 195

It appears I am not able to access the library in the WEB-INF/lib folder.

Solved it with Stack Overload …

I had to make the permissions of the .jar files that of my web server. Working now.

Hi Brian,

It’s good to know that things are working on your end. Please share, we may help you further in this regard.

Many Thanks,