Presentation / Slide Themes


If I mix ppt and pptx slides in my slide cart - can I
apply a Theme using ‘ThemeEx’ to all the slides in this presentation cart?

Can some one share a example of how to store and apply Theme or use ThemeEx?



I addition - If the PPT and PPTX slides are mixed in the slide cart - will the PPT slide play well with PPTX slide. Meaning If I download as PPTX editable presentation - will teh PPT slide retain it's layour and not break up.

So can u share any code on how to ADD PPT slide to a PPTX slide pool.

Dear Roj,

Thanks for showing keen interest in Aspose.Slides.

We apologize for the delay that you have experienced. I regret to inform you that merging of PPT and PPTX slides is not supported yet. An issue with issue id 13419 has already been created on our Issue Tracking System to fix the problem. This thread has also been associated with this issue, so that you can be automatically notified as soon as this issue is resolved.

Thanks and Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 13419) have been partially fixed in this update.

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