Preserve Text Column Break Section Break New Column during Word DOC to PDF Conversion using C# .NET API


We’ve been building a dynamic report generator for the last year based on ASPOSE, and we’re on the verge to go live with it.

However, testing has picked up a rather serious error:

_docBuilder.Writeln("Line 1");
_docBuilder.Writeln("Line 2 ");
_docBuilder.Writeln("Line 3 ");
_docBuilder.Writeln("Line 4 ");
_docBuilder.Writeln("Line 5 ");
_docBuilder.Writeln("Line 6 ");

When the output of this code is MS Word, it renders as expected. But when the output is PDF, the _docBuilder.InsertBreak(BreakType.SectionBreakNewColumn); line creates a page break instead of a column break. Were using Aspose.Word
Please see attached.

Please, we urgently need a fix, or, if that is not immediately possible, a work around.


Hi Hanno,

Thanks for your inquiry. Using latest Aspose.Words 11.0.0, i managed to reproduce the problem on my side. I have logged this issue in our bug tracking system. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is fixed.


Thanks for the quick reply. I know that this is a difficult question to answer, but is it possible for you to give me a ball park estimate when I can expect this to be fixed? I ask this so I can have some answer for those who’s asking me the same question.


Hi Hanno,

Thank you for inquiry. Once our developers analyze these issues, we will be able to provide you an estimate. You will be notify as soon as it is fixed. Sorry for inconvenience.

Hi, is there any feedback on this issue yet? Even just an estimation of when I can expect an estimation of when this can be fixed?

Hi Hanno,

Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, your issues are still pending for analysis. At the movement, i am unable to commit any time estimate. You will be notify as soon as it is fixed. Sorry for inconvenience.

Sorry for bugging again, but I’m really being pushed for an answer on this one.
Could you give me any indication on when the developers will be able to look at this issue? Could you maybe tell me how far this issue is in the queue? Anything that might give an indication of the progress would be appreciated.

Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot give you any reliable estimate. However, I suppose, in your case, you can use column break instead of section column break. Please see the following code:

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Writeln("Line 1");
builder.Writeln(" Line 2 ");
builder.Writeln(" Line 3");
builder.Writeln(" Line 4");
builder.Writeln(" Line 5 ");
builder.Writeln(" Line 6");
doc.Save("c:/temp/DoctoPdf.doc", SaveFormat.Doc);
doc.Save("c:/temp/DoctoPdf.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);

Hope this helps.
Best regards,

Thanks for the suggestion. It seems to be working for now, but since we’re using a Facade wrapper class, it might cause issues in the future. But I think this solution will do for the time being.


Thank you for additional information. We will immediately let you know once the original issue is resolved.

Best regards,

Hi Hanno,

Thanks for your inquiry. Good news for you i.e. WORDSNET-5811 has now been resolved and its fix will be included in the next version of Aspose.Words (v11.3.0) which is planned to be released by the end of this month (April’ 30, 2012). We will inform you via this forum thread as soon as the new release is published.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-5811) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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