Print document on C#

Received : 2007/07/04 04:20:49
Message : Hi,

I use Aspose words for create documents. I start with an template, fill the bookmarks…
When i open the document everything is ok, but when i try to print document with tables or lines this ones disapear, and all document is moved to the top. So on print the document does’t look like on preview
For print i use this:

Aspose.Words.Document aDoc = new Aspose.Words.Document(docName); 
Aspose.Words.Viewer.DocumentRenderer dRen = new Aspose.Words.Viewer.DocumentRenderer(aDoc); 
dRen.PrinterSettings.Copies = (short)(2); 

Please do you have any ideea why this happened?
Or it is other solution to print without usind documentrender class (i think because of render this problem appear)

Bogdan Cotoc


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Please note that all Aspose.Words.Viewer classes are in beta and included into Aspose.Words for unofficial demonstration purpose only. Proper rendering/printing with this classes is not guaranted. Also note that printing/rendering capabilities are not included in the official Aspose.Words feature list. You will be able to use Aspose.Words for hi-fidelity printing only after the official release of Aspose.Words rendering engine which will probably occur in the end of this year.
Best regards,

We are happy to tell you that the new Rendering Engine has replaced the “old Viewer Beta”. The Rendering Engine can print, save as images or draw onto .NET Graphics object any document page.

Please see Aspose.Words documentation to learn more about new features.

Saving to image

In additional, new Rendering engine allows you to convert Word document to PDF directly (without using Aspose.Pdf).

Saving to Pdf

The latest version of Aspose.Words is available for download from downloads section or from NuGet