Printg a PDF from an ASP.NET Web Page

I am researching your product and I want to know if your product can print a PDF from a ASP.NET web page to the client's Printer. The PDF should not show and print automatically. We have PDFs stored in our Database. Our application will allow the user to click on a PDF title. The application will open up the database and stream the pdf data to the printer. I will also batch up requests and send more than one PDF to the printer from the Web page. Note: I am not talking about printing the ASP webpage in PDF format.



Hi Dennis,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

You may use PdfViewer class to print PDF documents using Aspose.Pdf. Please check following documentation link for printing PDF document to default printer. Hopefully it will help you to accomplish your requirements.

  • [Printing PDF document to default printer.](

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,

Thank you for responding. I have some more questions.

We have a Web Application that will be accessed by our stores. The Web Application will be on our servers at Corporate. The stores will be at another location (say California) on our Intranet accessing he Web Application. The printers are in the store and will be considered network printers. These printers are not mounted to the server but are on the client's network.

1. The PDFs will be stored on a server directory location mapped via IIS. So it will be like I looked at in a post.

  <span style='font-family: "Arial","sans-serif";'><font size="2"><font color="#333333">Dim viewer As New PdfViewer()<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p></font></font></span></p><p>

'open input PDF file


Can your software access the network printers in the store? We have a requirement to give the users a choice. I will create a drop down listing the printers for the users to choose. I will pass the printer to your software.

Your software will be installed on the server.

2. Can your software access a network printer I pass to it that is internal only to the store. The client PC will access the Web Application and the print should print to the client PC.

3. Do I need to have anything else installed on the server.


Hi Dennis,

Thanks for your inquiry. You do not need to install anything on server for printing. To print to network printer, you may enable printer dialog for printer selection. Please check following documentation link for the purpose hopefully it will resolve the issue.

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,