I added a zip with 3 files within.
example.pdf is the original PDF. That I tried to print with:
PdfViewer l_Viewer = new PdfViewer();
The result is example.mdi
I also saved the bitmap-stream which I get from PageDecode(…). The result is example.png.
Can you explain this? When will there be a hotfix?
Thank you for your answer.
Thank you for considering Aspose.
We will investigate this issue and reply to you ASAP.
Thank you for considering Aspose.
The document provided contains non-English character. The current version of pdfViewer supports english document only.
In the future, we will consider the other languages.
And therefore the whole document will not be decoded correctly because of some german character?
When do you think you will support this total important feature to be language-independent?
Does this concerns all text-operations in Aspose.Pdf.Kit? Ex. replacing or extracting text in a Pdf-document?
Thank you for your answer.
In ReplaceText & ExtractText function , we also could not support non-English languages now, and it is a long time(may be serveral months) to support it.
… several months ha passed. Is now any oither non-English language supported?
We are sorry to say that supporting non-English language in extracting and printing is not in our current plan now, we will consider it later.