Printing to a print queue with credentials

I am using this link to print a pdf to a print queue… How can i provide a username and password to access the print queue on another server?

We are looking into it and will be sharing our feedback with you shortly.

Great! Thanks for the update!


We are afraid that Aspose.PDF does not provide any built-in method to access the printer with security credentials across the server. Windows may provide some libraries to use in C# to carry out the job for which you can explore the internet. We can also log an investigation ticket to further analyze the feasibility if you please share a bit more details with us about your complete scenario.

Thanks for taking a look anyway. I tried this code but it didnt work either. :slight_smile:

        UserCredentials credentials = new UserCredentials("", "", "");
        using (SafeAccessTokenHandle userHandle = credentials.LogonUser(LogonType.Interactive))  // or another LogonType
            WindowsIdentity.RunImpersonated(userHandle, () =>
                System.Printing.PrintServer printServer = new System.Printing.PrintServer("");
                System.Printing.PrintQueueCollection printQueues = printServer.GetPrintQueues();

                var printQueue = printQueues.ToList().FirstOrDefault(q => q.Name.ToUpper() == "PRINTQUEUENAME".ToUpper());

In the end instead of trying to run this code under different credentials from my pc i copied the exe onto the server with the print queue and ran it under the specified account.

MAYBE i was making it too hard. :stuck_out_tongue:


Looks like you have found a workaround to achieve your requirements. Please feel free to create a new topic in case you have any other requirement or face any issues.