Problem after updating textlayer in photoshop

The text is shown first in one line but after updating in photoshop, a word goes to a second line.
Before replacing the text:
BeforeoReplaceText.png (27.4 KB)
Before updating:
BeforeUpdateInPS.png (60.3 KB)
After updating:
AfterUpdateInPS.png (4.6 KB)

I need to know or how I could do so that the text is displayed with the 2 lines from the beginning without updating because I need the size, width and height of the text box to center it.
What I do is delete the portion and create a new one with the text, I take the width and height to center it but since after updating in Photoshop the text has 2 lines it is cut off because by code I took the height of 1 single line.

Code explain:
What I am doing is replacing the text of a textlayer according to the content loaded in a text file that is taken as input parameter to the program. After replacing the text, the textlayer is centered, if it is cl, centered to the left, in this process I obtain the height to center it but when updating in PS the word remains in 2 lines, being cut off, only one line appears as it looked like before updating in PS
PSD example: (1.5 MB)
Input text:
input_text.7z (245 Bytes)


    public void main(){
		var strings1 = "C:\\input_text.txt";
		var psdInput = "C:\\input_for_ticket.psd";
		PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Aspose.PSD.Image.Load(psdInput);  
		IEnumerable<string> linesLsaks = File.ReadAllLines(strings1); 
		var lsaksDictionary = linesLsaks
							.Where(line => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
							.Select(line => line.Split('='))
							.Select(items => new {
								key = items[0].Trim(),
								value    = items[1].Trim()  
							.GroupBy(p => p.key)
							.ToDictionary(x => x.First().key, x => x.Last().value);
		//Step: Replace text
		foreach (var layerItem in image.Layers)
			if (layerItem.GetType() != typeof(TextLayer)) continue; 
			var layerToExtractText = (TextLayer)layerItem;   
			Regex pRegex = new Regex("#lsak[^#]+#", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 
			var resultLsakValue = pRegex.Match(layerToExtractText.Text).Value.Trim(); 
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resultLsakValue)) continue;

			replaceLsakText(layerToExtractText.TextData, lsaksDictionary);           
		//Step: Center text
		foreach (var layerItem in image.Layers)
			if (layerItem.GetType() != typeof(TextLayer)) continue; 
			var layerToExtractText = (TextLayer)layerItem;     
	private  string ReplaceText(string lsak, IDictionary<string,string> lsaksToReplace){  
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (lsak.Trim());
		foreach (var kvp in lsaksToReplace){ 
			sb.Replace(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); 
		return sb.ToString(); 
	private void replaceLsakText(IText textData, IDictionary<string,string> lsaksDictionary)
        var countPortions = textData.Items.Count(); 
        ITextStyle defaultStyle = textData.Items[0].Style; 
        ITextParagraph defaultParagraph = textData.Items[0].Paragraph;   
        var textToReplace= textData.Text;
        //remove old portions 
        for (int i = 0; i < (countPortions); i++)
        ITextPortion newPortion = textData.ProducePortion();  
        newPortion.Text=ReplaceText(textToReplace, lsaksDictionary); 
	 private void centerTextLayers(TextLayer layerToAlignText)
        var boundBoxOld = layerToAlignText.TextBoundBox;
        var OldY = layerToAlignText.Top;
        var wordSize = layerToAlignText.Size; 
        var boundBox = layerToAlignText.TextBoundBox;
        var newSize = new Aspose.PSD.Size((int)Math.Ceiling(boundBoxOld.Width),wordSize.Height);

        if( layerToAlignText.DisplayName.Trim().ToLower().Equals("cl")){ 

            var beforePoint = CenterInRectangle(wordSize, new Aspose.PSD.RectangleF(layerToAlignText.Left,layerToAlignText.Top,layerToAlignText.Width,boundBoxOld.Height));
            layerToAlignText.TextBoundBox = new Aspose.PSD.RectangleF(new Aspose.PSD.PointF(0,beforePoint.Y -OldY), newSize); 
            var newPoint = CenterInRectangle(wordSize, new Aspose.PSD.RectangleF(layerToAlignText.Left,layerToAlignText.Top,layerToAlignText.Width,boundBoxOld.Height));
            layerToAlignText.Left =  (int)newPoint.X;
            layerToAlignText.Top = (int)newPoint.Y;  

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Issue ID(s): PSDNET-1542

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