Problem : Define Image File is impossible!

I try Aspose.Pdf V1.9.0.0 .

So , i can’t modify or define a file of any image.

logoImage : Image;
logoImage := Image.Create();
logoImage.ImageInfo.ImageFileType := ImageFileType.Jpeg;
logoImage.ImageInfo.File := ‘c:\Logo1.jpg’; // HERE IS THE PB…

It’s impossible to compile the File i’ve the message :
Error : Waiting for an identificator but ‘FILE’ was found

I work with Delphi8 For dot Net (SO the language is Delphi Pascal…)
Before this, all the property worked fine

What can i do ?

Hi sylval,

Thank you for considering aspose.

I am not familiar with Delphi and I don’t know why this error occurs. Maybe “File” can’t be an attribute in Delphi? I will study this issue deeper, and please ask this question in other place since this may be a common question.