I cannot seem to read the barcode from the attached image. This is a region of an image that has a portion of another barcode in it. When I try to execute BarcodeReader.Read() it doesn’t find anything. Previous versions can read this BC.
I also tried cropping the image down so it has only the 1 complete barcode and it still wont read.
I am experiencing the same results at my end. I have logged this as bug in our issue tracking system (ID: 15724). We will look into it and will notify you as soon as we fix this. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Any updates? This is impacting production systems.
Please take a look at the attached picture, the blank area on the left of the
barcode is too narrow to the Code39 specification, its width should be at least
10 times of the narrowest bar. However, we can provide you a customize version
that ignore calculating the blank area but please confirm if it will fit your
requirement or not. I think the better solution is to find a way to make the
pictures become more compatibility with the specification.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODENET-15724) have been fixed in this update.
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