Problem saving Aspose.word doc which was converted to pdf

I created a document (see attached) using Aspose.Word document builder code. Then I use code much like the demo's SendToBrowserAsPdf(Document doc) to convert it to pdf and display it in a browser. However, I get usually one of two errors:

Exception Details: System.ApplicationException: Previous heading must be set in when insert heading in API.

Source Error:

Line 131: //Now produce the PDF file.
Line 132: pdf.Save("Aspose.Word.Demos.pdf", Aspose.Pdf.SaveType.OpenInBrowser, this.Response);
Line 133: }

Or I get an error in the Adobe Reader like:
"Adobe Reader could not open 'pa030961.fdf' because it is either not a
supported file type of because the file has been corrupted."

Also sometimes it does actually display in the reader. This is an evaluation version, so perhaps the evaluation inserted garbage characters are causing the differences.

Other similar documents work just fine so I am pretty mystified by the errors.

Jerry Howard

Here - attached is the document I was talking about in the above post. For some reason it didn't get attached to that post. Hope it works on this one...

Dear jhoward88,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

This error seems caused by multi-thread. I am now working on this problem. I will notify you when I have solved this problem.

Thanks Tommy, It will be good to have that fix. Jerry

Dear Jerry,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

I have reproduced this error. A hot fix will soon be published.

Dear Jerry,

Please try the latest hotfix.