Problem saving file

I am using aspose cells to load a file from SharePoint change some fields on it and save it back to SharePoint.
When the file is saved back into SharePoint despite the changes, which are just text, the generated file uses more than 2Gb memory to open.
After testing the original file which used only a couple of Mbs we manually changed the fields to match the ones updated by aspose and the file keeps using low memory however everytime the file is saved using aspose it falls under the same memory problem.
do you have any insights on what might be behind this?


Thanks for providing us some details.

Where you open the generated file (by Aspose.Cells APIs) to find the memory issue (2Gb)?
Could you provide us sample code (runnable) with template file(s) and details to reproduce the issue, we will check it soon.

Also, kindly try our latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v17.7.x, if you are not using it.

Thank you.


We have created a simple desktop app, this console app will take in the file we have been using (But now stored in C:/), replace two cells (just simple text), and save to C:/.!Ak7yQlpK1XNtsFxC1_9oNpDe0RzZ

please use the link above for the runable code and the test file, that file will be used as an input and after being saved using aspose, (which will only fill to simple text cells), it consumes more than 2Gb memory and its size its much less than the original one.
Please let me know any other information you need from me.

Best regards,


Thanks for providing us sample project with template file.

Do you mean when the generated file “Sales Pricing Tool Aspose.xlsx” is opened into MS Excel, it consumes 2GB memory? Or you mean Aspose.Cells uses 2GB memory to save the file to disk? I did find the issue where MS Excel takes more memory to open the output file (by Aspose.Cells APIs). Here is my simplest code using your template file:
Sample code:

 // Get File into memory 
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook("E:\\test2\\problem saving file1\\Sales Pricing Tool(1).xlsx");

            // Inputs;12:D
            // Inputs;15:D
            Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets["Inputs"];

            int col = 3;

            Cell cell1 = sheet.Cells[12, col];
            Cell cell2 = sheet.Cells[15, col];

            cell1.Value = "Cell2";

            workbook.Save("E:\\test2\\problem saving file1\\out1Sales Pricing Tool Aspose.xlsx");

Please confirm on it, so we could evaluate and log appropriate ticket for your issue.

Thank you.

The problem is with the output file, after you ran the code and it has produced the output file, that file uses more than 2Gb memory.
and also you if you look at the file sizes, the output file is smaller which is odd.
Due to this I believe there is an issue on your API when saving the file.
If you have any other questions, I’ll be available.


Thanks for your confirmation.

I have logged a ticket with an id “CELLSNET-45530” for your issue. The ticket is logged with the title:

  • MS Excel consumes more memory (approx. 2GB) to open the output file (by Aspose.Cells APIs).

Once we have an update on the issue, we will let you know here.

Regarding output file’s size difference, I think it is not much. The template file is 6.43MB and output file is 6.09MB, so there is no significant difference.

Thank you.

Thanks for raising the ticket, but i also think the size does matter, if you open the file with aspose cells and then saved it straight away, the output file will have different size and this doesn’t make sense since there weren’t any changes.


After closely looking into the template file you provided, we found this issue is caused by that the start column is “A” and the last column is “XFD” in the worksheet “HH Consumption Data (PC1)”. Could you move the data of “XFD” to the column “F”?

And, we will resolve the issue soon.

Thank you.

I believe that your API for Excel would work with any kind of excel files, why would just the empty cells be a problem?!
I will try and have a call with the department responsible for the Excel file to see if we can change it.
Can you confirm that this will solve the problem?


Yes, you may try the workaround (as suggested) for the time being. We will surely fix this issue and provide you the fixed version.

Thank you.


Thanks for using Aspose APIs.

Please download and try the following fix and let us know your feedback.

this seems to have solved the issue.



Thanks for your feedback and using Aspose.Cells.

It is good to know that your issue is resolved with the latest fix. Let us know if you encounter any other issue, we will be glad to look into it and help you further.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-45530) have been fixed in latest version of Aspose.Cells for .NET (Download | NuGet).