Problem saving PPT to PDF- out of memory exception

We keep having these " out of memory " exception as soon as the PPT file we want to save to PDF is bigger than 7Mb

Is there any work around to these ISSUE?

Another question we wanted to ask is about saving PPT to PPTX and vice-versa. At the moment when we try to do these, there is an exception saying that these future is not developed yet but will be in the next release. When the next release is going to be? Will these future be included?

We are using, ver 4.1.1

Hi Maurizo,

Thanks for considering Aspose.Slides.

You have shared that you are getting "Out Of Memory" exception when the exported PDF get larger than 7 MB. I feel it must not happen. Can you please share your presentation file for necessary investigation? Moreover, please try the intermediate x64 bit based version of Aspose.Slides for .NET, which is available here. Hopefully, using x64 bit version of Aspose.Slides for .NET will resolve the issue specified.

The PPT to PPTX and vice versa inter-conversion issue is added in our issue tracking system with ID 13419. Our development team is working on the provision of mentioned feature and hopefully it will be available in winter release of Aspose.Slides for .NET. This thread has also been linked with the same issue, so that you may be automatically notified, once the feature is available.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,


we are using Aspose.Slide in a windows 2k3 server (32bit). I don’t thing we can use , or that the 64 bit version might help. However the link you have posted for the 64bit version is wrong. It points to another thread with topic:

Unable to open PPT files in Office 2008 on Macs using Slides

Our application works like these:

1. Merge differente PPT files into one PPT file ( and here we wanted to support even pptx files)

2. Save the merged PPT to filsystem.

3. Save the PPT in PDF format.

It works fine for files not bigger than 7MB but it goes “out of memory” as soon as files get bigger.

we approached even differently converting the single PPT files into PDF and after that merging the PDF into a single one, but like these there is a problem with page numbers. Is there any way we can change from code page numbers on the fotter of a PPT file or to hide them?
unfortunately we can’t send PPT files as they are company confidential but i can say that they use tons of images and graphics and other objects.

Hi Maurizo,

I am sorry for the fact that the link that I have shared might be little confusing. You may please find file in the attachments over the shared link. You may please proceed to this thread link as well, where by a customer faced similar problem as his presentation file size was around 260 MB. Shifting to x64 bit version of Aspose.Slides for .NET resolved his issue. Please feel free to share if the problem still persists.

Thanks and Regards,

Sorry for writing you back here, but i think my problem is different. At the moment we have no problems with the PowerPoint, even though the merged one comes up to be up to 50Mb. We are having problems when saving it as PDF.

Actually the question is:
May it depend on the hardware and operating system, considering that we are having the same problem at the same file size in winxp prof IIS5,1 with 2gb of ram ( development environment ) and on the win2k3 4gb of ram ( testing environment )

second questions: if the 64 would resolve the issue, can it be used on a 32 bit OS or we should migrate to 64 OS?


Hi Maurizo,

We are sorry for the fact that your problem is not unresolved. Please share the presentation file along with your code snippet for further investigation. It may not be dependent on machines working on same architecture i.e x86. However, using x64 bit machine and Operating may resolve the issue. There are two separate Aspse.Slides.dll files for 32 bit and 64 bit systems. You may use the 32 bit version of Aspose.Slides.dll on 64 bit machine, but vice versa is not allowed.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 13419) have been partially fixed in this update.

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