Problem to add embedded document in pptx: Relationship tag requires attribute 'Target' Line 1- position 445

 <br>Dear all,<br><br>I try in vain to insert a simple document as an embedded object in a pptx slide, it does work<br>I try following example found on the forum , it does work, only image is displayed, when I look at in the structure of the pptx, I can found no embedded folder.<br><br>Any help , example for PPTX would be greatly appreciated.<br>When I open the document generated in OpenXml tool to check the validity of the document, I have always the following message:<br><br>Cannot open the file: relationship tag requires attribute 'Target' Line 1,position 445<br><br><br>PresentationEx pres = new PresentationEx();<br>            SlideSizeEx sldSize = pres.SlideSize;<br>            SlideEx sld = pres.Slides[0];<br>            string strHTML = "<table width='100%' style='width: 100%;' border='0'><tr><td valign='top' style='width: 300PX;'><table><tr><td valign='top'>Michael xxx</td></tr><tr><td>Senior Associate, IFS</td></tr><tr><td></td></tr> <tr><td>My Company, LLC</td></tr><tr><td>Morristown</td></tr><tr><td>+1 555 555 8300</td></tr><tr><td></td></tr></table></td><td valign='top'><P><STRONG>Michael</STRONG> is a<U> managing director</U> in the <EM>Philadelphia office</EM> and the global leader of the <FONT color=#c00030>Valuation </FONT>Advisory practice. </P>\r\n<P><FONT size=5><STRONG>Paul has 29 years of valuation and corporate finance experience.</STRONG> </FONT></P>\r\n<OL>\r\n<LI>one </LI>\r\n<LI>two </LI>\r\n<LI>three </LI></OL></td></tr></table>";<br>            Document doc = new Document();<br>            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);<br>            builder.InsertHtml(strHTML);<br>            MemoryStream msImg = new MemoryStream();<br>          <br>            ImageSaveOptions opt = new ImageSaveOptions(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Jpeg);<br>            opt.JpegQuality = 50;<br>            //doc.SaveToImage(0, 1, msImg, ImageFormat.Jpeg, opt);<br><br>            doc.Save(msImg, opt);<br><br>            Bitmap img = new Bitmap(msImg);<br>            ImageEx image = pres.Images.AddImage(img);<br>            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();<br>            doc.Save(ms, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docx);<br>            OleObjectFrameEx oof = sld.Shapes.AddOleObjectFrame(0, 0, sldSize.Size.Width, sldSize.Size.Height, "Word.Documen.8", ms.ToArray());<br>            oof.Image = image;<br>            pres.Write("C:\\template_mod.pptx");<br><br>

Hi Elisabeth,

Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Slides.

I have tested the issue shared by you and I am able to reproduce the same problem. An issue with ID SLIDESNET-26339 already
exists in our issue tracking system. This thread has also been linked
with the same issue, so that you may be automatically notified, once
the issue is resolved

We apologize for your inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 26339) have been fixed in this update.

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