Problem using aspose.HTM.Accesibility

I am currently trying to evaluate the component, as my application generates HTML, which I would like to be able to check for WCAG compliance. However I have not been able to get some negative validationresults.
This is my testcode.

– code –

using Aspose.Html.Accessibility;
using ValidationResult = Aspose.Html.Accessibility.Results.ValidationResult;

// Initialize webAccessibility container
var webAccessibility = new WebAccessibility();

// Create an accessibility validator with a static instance for all rules from repository that match the builder settings
var validator = webAccessibility.CreateValidator(ValidationBuilder.All);

// Initialize an object of HTMLDocument class
using (var document = new Aspose.Html.HTMLDocument(“c:\data2\123.html”))
// Check the document
ValidationResult validationResult = validator.Validate(document);

// Checking for success
//if (!validationResult.Success)
    // Get a list of Details
    foreach (var detail in validationResult.Details)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1} = {2}", detail.Rule.Code, detail.Rule.Description, detail.Success);


– code end –
The HTML is very simple, but is known to be non compliant, so am I missing something? (316 Bytes)
If you could provide some sample code, which demonstrate how it works, that would be very nice.


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): HTMLNET-5052

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.


We would like to share with you that the problem found by you has been fixed, the code you provided will work correctly in version 23.11.0.