Problem while converting word to PDF


We are using Aspose.PDF.dll version are facing following issues on our production when converting word file to PDF :

BracketsMissing Error : At some places in the PDF the brackets are missing (Please find attached BracketError.pdf). In the word file brackets are there (Please find attached Bracket.doc).

Please help. Please let us know the ETA.


Hello Samanvay,

I have tested the issue and I’m able to reproduce the same problem. I have logged it in our issue tracking system as PDFNET-6056. We will investigate this issue in detail and will keep you updated on the status of a correction. We apologize for your inconvenience.


I found some bracket characters’ font was not set correctly in the intermediate xml file generated by Aspose.Words. I have reported it to our cooperator aspose words team. And they have logged it as #6079. I am moving this thread to aspose words forum. So that we could help you better. Thanks.

Best regards.


Thank you for reporting this. I’m Viktor, the developer on Aspose.Words Team responsible for integration with Aspose.Pdf. #6079 is in development now. We’ll provide information on any progress with this issue.



Thank you for your patience.

#6079 has been fixed in the current codebase. Correction will be available with the next hotfix (3-4 weeks).

If this case is urgent for you then I can suggest a workaround. Open and close brackets that disappear in PDF are represented by Unicode characters 0xFF08 and 0xFF09 respectively. Aspose.Words improperly determines character category for them. You can replace these characters with simple ASCII brackets: 0x0028 and 0x0029. They should be treated okay.


Hi ,

Thanks, we will try to implement the suggestion.


Hi Again,

I tried to create a word file as you suggested.

  1. With Section break

  2. Creating and configuring footer for the last section

But this is not working well as Section Footer will only appear when seciton is consuming full page.

In the attached doc file, footer is appearing on the last page as its section is consuming full page. If I remove or add some text from first section footer will disappear

Can you please look into this? It has become a high priority issue for us



Please disregard my above reply… i replied to wrong post :slight_smile:


The issues you have found earlier (filed as 6079) have been fixed in this update.