Problem with adding image to pdf page

I have this code to set make a document black and white as required, using aspose and jpedal

public static ByteArrayOutputStream setColorFlagPdf( ByteArrayOutputStream dstStream, PrintParams PrintJO) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, PdfException
byte[] arr = dstStream.toByteArray();
ConvertPagesToImages extract=new ConvertPagesToImages( arr );

ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(dstStream.toByteArray());
com.aspose.pdf.Document Npdf = new com.aspose.pdf.Document();
int npages = 0;
if (extract.openPDFFile())
npages = extract.getPageCount();


double pageWidthR = 1.0;
double pageHeightR = 1.0;
int paperId = Paper.class.getField(PrintJO.PaperSize).getInt(null);
pageWidthR = Paper.getWidth(paperId);
pageHeightR = Paper.getHeight(paperId);
int pgno = 1 ;
int[] Pages ;
double lowerLeftX = 0;
double lowerLeftY = 0;
double upperRightX = (pageWidthR * 72);
double upperRightY = (pageHeightR * 72);
BufferedImage img = null;
PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor();

while ( pgno <= npages)

if (extract.openPDFFile())
img = extract.getPageAsImage(pgno, true );


BufferedImage gray = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(),

Graphics2D g = gray.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);


Pages = new int[pgno];
for (int i = 0; i < pgno ; i++)
Pages[i] = i+1;

pfe.resizeContents(Npdf, Pages, PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters.pageResize(pageWidthR * 72, pageHeightR * 72));

com.aspose.pdf.Page page = Npdf.getPages().get_Item(pgno);

// Add an image to the Images collection of the page resources
page.getResources().getImages().add( gray );
page.getContents().add(new com.aspose.pdf.Operator.GSave());

// Create Rectangle and Matrix objects
com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle rectangle = new com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle(lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY, upperRightX, upperRightY);
com.aspose.pdf.Matrix matrix = new com.aspose.pdf.Matrix(new double[] { rectangle.getURX() - rectangle.getLLX(), 0, 0, rectangle.getURY()- rectangle.getLLY(), rectangle.getLLX(), rectangle.getLLY() });
page.getContents().add(new com.aspose.pdf.Operator.ConcatenateMatrix(matrix));
com.aspose.pdf.XImage ximage = page.getResources().getImages().get_Item(page.getResources().getImages().size());
page.getContents().add(new com.aspose.pdf.Operator.Do(ximage.getName()));
page.getContents().add(new com.aspose.pdf.Operator.GRestore());

System.out.println("colorflag done Page No : " + pgno);


catch(Exception e)

System.out.println(“colorflag done”);

return output;

In this code, it works completely fine on a project eclipse, but in a rest service on Wildfly, it gives this error on the line page.getResources().getImages().add( gray );

here is some of the stack trace

16:56:07,334 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Map size (0) must be >= 1
16:56:07,341 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at java.awt.image.IndexColorModel.setRGBs(
16:56:07,347 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at java.awt.image.IndexColorModel.(
16:56:07,353 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at com.aspose.pdf.internal.p344.z1.m1(Unknown Source)
16:56:07,358 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at Source)
16:56:07,363 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at
16:56:07,369 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at com.aspose.pdf.internal.p282.z1.m1(Unknown Source)
16:56:07,375 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at com.aspose.pdf.internal.p282.z1.m6(Unknown Source)
16:56:07,382 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at com.aspose.pdf.internal.p243.z2.m1(Unknown Source)
16:56:07,389 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at com.aspose.pdf.internal.p243.z2.(Unknown Source)
16:56:07,396 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at com.aspose.pdf.internal.p243.z2.(Unknown Source)
16:56:07,401 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at com.aspose.pdf.internal.p243.z31.m1(Unknown Source)
16:56:07,406 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at com.aspose.pdf.XImageCollection.m1(Unknown Source)
16:56:07,412 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at com.aspose.pdf.XImageCollection.m1(Unknown Source)
16:56:07,417 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at com.aspose.pdf.XImageCollection.add(Unknown Source)
16:56:07,423 ERROR [stderr] (default task-2) at mentor.csp.Conversion.setColorFlagPdf(

Document I tried is c2.pdf attached… No matter which document, i try… The error is same on server…

Hey i have checked, the error comes only when i convert the image to gray by

BufferedImage gray = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(),

But still it works fine in a project but not on the server…
Need Help

Hi Usman,

Thanks for using our API’s.

I have tested the scenario and have observed that there are some custom methods i.e. getPageAsImage(…) etc which are not defined and I am afraid I could not find their references. However I have made some changes in the code and I am unable to notice any exception but the resultant PDF being generated is blank. Can you please double check and share the complete code snippet which can help us in replicating the problem which you are facing. We are sorry for this inconvenience.


ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();<o:p></o:p>

com.aspose.pdf.Document Npdf = new com.aspose.pdf.Document("c:/pdftest/c2.pdf");

int npages = 0;

npages = Npdf.getPages().size();

double pageWidthR = 1.0;

double pageHeightR = 1.0;

//int paperId = Paper.class.getField(PrintJO.PaperSize).getInt(null);

pageWidthR = 600;

pageHeightR = 800;

int pgno = 1 ;

int[] Pages ;

double lowerLeftX = 0;

double lowerLeftY = 0;

double upperRightX = (pageWidthR * 72);

double upperRightY = (pageHeightR * 72);

java.awt.image.BufferedImage img = null;

com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfFileEditor pfe = new com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfFileEditor();



while ( pgno <= npages)


// Create stream object to save the output image imageStream = new"c:/pdftest/Converted_Image" + pgno + ".jpg");

// Create Resolution object

com.aspose.pdf.devices.Resolution resolution = new com.aspose.pdf.devices.Resolution(300);

// Create JpegDevice object where second argument indicates the quality of resultant image

com.aspose.pdf.devices.JpegDevice jpegDevice = new com.aspose.pdf.devices.JpegDevice(resolution, 100);

// Convert a particular page and save the image to stream

jpegDevice.process(Npdf.getPages().get_Item(pgno), imageStream);

// Close the stream


img = File("c:/pdftest/Converted_Image" + pgno + ".jpg"));

//img = extract.getPageAsImage(pgno, true );

java.awt.image.BufferedImage gray = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(),


java.awt.Graphics2D g = gray.createGraphics();

g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);


Pages = new int[pgno];

for (int i = 0; i < pgno ; i++)


Pages[i] = i+1;


pfe.resizeContents(Npdf, Pages, com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters.pageResize(pageWidthR * 72, pageHeightR * 72));

com.aspose.pdf.Page page = Npdf.getPages().get_Item(pgno);

// Add an image to the Images collection of the page resources

page.getResources().getImages().add( gray );

page.getContents().add(new com.aspose.pdf.Operator.GSave());

// Create Rectangle and Matrix objects

com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle rectangle = new com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle(lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY, upperRightX, upperRightY);

com.aspose.pdf.Matrix matrix = new com.aspose.pdf.Matrix(new double[] { rectangle.getURX() - rectangle.getLLX(), 0, 0, rectangle.getURY()- rectangle.getLLY(), rectangle.getLLX(), rectangle.getLLY() });

page.getContents().add(new com.aspose.pdf.Operator.ConcatenateMatrix(matrix));

com.aspose.pdf.XImage ximage = page.getResources().getImages().get_Item(page.getResources().getImages().size());

page.getContents().add(new com.aspose.pdf.Operator.Do(ximage.getName()));

page.getContents().add(new com.aspose.pdf.Operator.GRestore());

System.out.println("colorflag done Page No : " + pgno);






catch(Exception e)






System.out.println("colorflag done");
