Problem with Examples Project: ExceptionInInitializerError


i tried to test out the Aspose.3D API with the recommanded Examples Project. I followed the instructions here: How to Run the Examples|Documentation

A run of “” result in the following exeption and console output:

Open runExamples.cs.
In Main() method uncomment the example that you want to run.

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at com.aspose.threed.dQ.a(SourceFile:115)
at com.aspose.threed.b.a(SourceFile:20101)
at examples.RunExamples.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
at com.aspose.threed.cA.a(SourceFile:1183)
at com.aspose.threed.cs.(SourceFile:34)
at com.aspose.threed.cE.(SourceFile:1392)
… 8 more

This exception also occoured in my own marvan project when ever i try to add anything to a scene object. Pleace, can someone help me with this?
I used: eclipse 2018-09, win 10 64-bit


Thank you for contacting support.

We are checking the scenario and will share our findings with you soon.


Thank you for being patient.

We were able to reproduce the problem and it has been fixed in latest version of the API. Please try using Aspose.3D for Java 18.11 in your environment and then share your kind feedback with us.

Also, you need to remove the local cached JAR in ~/.m2/repository/com/aspose/aspose-3d/18.11, before using examples project.

I was able to fix the problem with your suggestions and will go on to try out your product.
Thank you for the fast Help.


We are glad to know that your issue has been resolved. Please keep using our API and in event of any further query, feel free to ask.