I have two problems:
- When I try the JAVA sample project, it infer the following errors about font library:
Trying to install font family DengXian at C:\Windows\Fonts\Deng.ttf to private collection
Font family DengXian with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family DengXian at C:\Windows\Fonts\Dengb.ttf to private collection
Font family DengXian with style Bold is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family DengXian Light at C:\Windows\Fonts\Dengl.ttf to private collection
Font family DengXian Light with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family MingLiU-ExtB at C:\Windows\Fonts\mingliub.ttc to private collection
Font family MingLiU-ExtB with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family PMingLiU-ExtB at C:\Windows\Fonts\mingliub.ttc to private collection
Font family PMingLiU-ExtB with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB at C:\Windows\Fonts\mingliub.ttc to private collection
Font family MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family Microsoft JhengHei at C:\Windows\Fonts\msjh.ttc to private collection
I only use msyh.ttf in my example psd file, and I’m sure I have msyh.ttf and msyh.ttc in C:\Windows\Fonts\
- When I get the layer’s name using layers[2].getName(), it will display a lot of ‘?’s, when the layer’s name contains Chinese.
It will be appreciate if someone can help.
I have observed the issue shared by you and request you to please share the source file and used sample code reproducing the issue. Please also share the Java and Operating System details with us as well.
I get the same question;can you share your actions
@dlyaomatch could you please provide additional information: Description of issue, version of Aspose.PSD for Java or for …Net, Operating System, input file, code snippet to reproduce issue and the expected result and any other information that can help us to resolve your issue.
我用的是最新版本的psd for java。操作系统是win10.
image.png (122.1 KB)
我在使用psd for java 最新版本的jar时。发现字体使用存在以下问题
Trying to install font family FZShuTi at C:\Windows\Fonts\FZSTK.TTF to private collection
Font family FZShuTi with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family STXingkai at C:\Windows\Fonts\STXINGKA.TTF to private collection
Font family STXingkai with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family FZYaoTi at C:\Windows\Fonts\FZYTK.TTF to private collection
Font family FZYaoTi with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family Microsoft YaHei at C:\Windows\Fonts\msyh.ttc to private collection
Font family Microsoft YaHei with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family FZCuHeiSongS-B-GB at C:\Windows\Fonts\�����ֺ��μ���.ttf to private collection
Font family FZCuHeiSongS-B-GB with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family Microsoft JhengHei Light at C:\Windows\Fonts\msjhl.ttc to private collection
Font family Microsoft JhengHei Light with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family STCaiyun at C:\Windows\Fonts\STCAIYUN.TTF to private collection
Font family STCaiyun with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family DengXian at C:\Windows\Fonts\Dengb.ttf to private collection
Font family DengXian with style Bold is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family SimSun at C:\Windows\Fonts\simsun.ttc to private collection
Font family SimSun with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family NSimSun at C:\Windows\Fonts\simsun.ttc to private collection
Font family NSimSun with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family STKaiti at C:\Windows\Fonts\STKAITI.TTF to private collection
Font family STKaiti with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family STFangsong at C:\Windows\Fonts\STFANGSO.TTF to private collection
Font family STFangsong with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family Yu Gothic UI Semibold at C:\Windows\Fonts\YuGothB.ttc to private collection
Font family Yu Gothic UI Semibold with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family SimHei at C:\Windows\Fonts\simhei.ttf to private collection
Font family SimHei with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family Microsoft YaHei at C:\Windows\Fonts\msyhbd.ttc to private collection
Font family Microsoft YaHei with style Bold is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family STHupo at C:\Windows\Fonts\STHUPO.TTF to private collection
Font family STHupo with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family DengXian Light at C:\Windows\Fonts\Dengl.ttf to private collection
Font family DengXian Light with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family STXinwei at C:\Windows\Fonts\STXINWEI.TTF to private collection
Font family STXinwei with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family FangSong at C:\Windows\Fonts\simfang.ttf to private collection
Font family FangSong with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family STSong at C:\Windows\Fonts\STSONG.TTF to private collection
Font family STSong with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family DengXian at C:\Windows\Fonts\Deng.ttf to private collection
Font family DengXian with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family MingLiU-ExtB at C:\Windows\Fonts\mingliub.ttc to private collection
Font family MingLiU-ExtB with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family PMingLiU-ExtB at C:\Windows\Fonts\mingliub.ttc to private collection
Font family PMingLiU-ExtB with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB at C:\Windows\Fonts\mingliub.ttc to private collection
Font family MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family Microsoft YaHei Light at C:\Windows\Fonts\msyhl.ttc to private collection
Font family Microsoft YaHei Light with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family STLiti at C:\Windows\Fonts\STLITI.TTF to private collection
Font family STLiti with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family LiSu at C:\Windows\Fonts\SIMLI.TTF to private collection
Font family LiSu with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family Microsoft JhengHei at C:\Windows\Fonts\msjh.ttc to private collection
Font family Microsoft JhengHei with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family YouYuan at C:\Windows\Fonts\SIMYOU.TTF to private collection
Font family YouYuan with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family STZhongsong at C:\Windows\Fonts\STZHONGS.TTF to private collection
Font family STZhongsong with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family Palace Script MT at C:\Windows\Fonts\PALSCRI.TTF to private collection
Font family Palace Script MT with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family KaiTi at C:\Windows\Fonts\simkai.ttf to private collection
Font family KaiTi with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family STXihei at C:\Windows\Fonts\STXIHEI.TTF to private collection
Font family STXihei with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family Microsoft JhengHei at C:\Windows\Fonts\msjhbd.ttc to private collection
Font family Microsoft JhengHei with style Bold is not available: please, try to reinstall this font
Trying to install font family Monotype Corsiva at C:\Windows\Fonts\MTCORSVA.TTF to private collection
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): PSDJAVA-456
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