Problem with graphs saving excel file to PDF

when I try to save as PDF an excel file with small graphs, the graphs appear to be substantially different than the ones in excel.
I tried even in your conversion tool online Convert Excel Online for Free, trying with different output formats, but the outcome is still the same.
Is there a way to have them like in excel, like some options?
I provide you with an example.
Federico Mameli (80.2 KB)


Thanks for the template file and details.

After an initial test, I am able to reproduce the issue as you mentioned by using your template file to convert to PDF file format. I found graphs in the sheet are not identical (as shown in MS Excel file) when exporting the file to PDF via Aspose.Cells APIs. I have logged a ticket with an id “CELLSNET-47129” for your issue. We will look into it soon.

Once we have an update on it, we will let you know.

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Do you have any updates on the topic?
It is a blocking issue for a very important project of one of our customers.


I am afraid, your issue is not resolved yet. We are working on your issue and will try to figure out soon.
This issue is a little complex so it might take time to figure it out completely. We will check if we could update you on it (in the next few days) or provide an eta (if it is taking more time).

Thank you @Amjad_Sahi,
I look forward to having any updates or a eta.
Best regards,


You are welcome.

We are figuring out to determine the exact max value of X Axis when the the Axis Bounds Maximum is set Auto. We need more time to investigate it. We will write back here as soon as some feedback is ready to share.

Do you have any update on this ticket?


Your issue is not resolved yet. We will check if we could update you on your issue or provide an estimated time frame to fix your issue.

Once we have any new information available, we will let you know.

Do you have any update on this ticket?


We are very sorry but still there is no update on it. We hope you will be updated soon on ETA.


We cannot provide an ETA at the moment but we will surely do some improvements regarding graphs rendering in the next few weeks.

Keep in touch.

Do you know if this issue is solved in the latest release of Aspose?

We are gathering information about this issue and will share our feedback soon.