Problem with Hyperlinks in PDFs Generated


When converting a Word 2003 Document to PDF the hyperlinks to file shares are broken.

eg. If the original word document contains text hyperlinked to:


The hyperlink works fine in the original Word document.

When the document is converted to PDF, and you click the hyperlink you get a pop-up in acrobat reader stating:

The document is trying to connect to


If you trust the site, choose Allow. If you do not trust the site, choose Block.

Clicking Allow then displays an error message in Internet Explorer

Cannot find ‘file:///F:@255CSomeDrive%255CAnotherDoc.Doc’. Make sure the path or Internet Address is correct.

So it seems the URL target is corrupted/encoded with characters and its not recognised as a vaid hyperlink to a document on a file share

So hyperlinking to a network drive or hard drive DOES NOT work - although i’ve tested hyperlinks to regular web addresses and these work fine.


Thanks for your request. Could you please attach sample document here for testing? I will investigate the issue and provide you more information.
Best regards.

Test PDF Attached, thanks for the prompt response Alexey!
I guess its worth noting that if you mouse over the hyperlink in Acrobat Reader it displays the file path fine - but when clicking, it seems to be encoding the slashes which result in the issue.

Thank you for additional information. Please attach also source Word document.

Best regards.

Alexey - I’ve re-done the test and attached the word doc, pdf generated and screenshots of the warning and error message when clicking on the link to the file share. Same thing occurs with a link to a file to the C:\


Thank you for additional information. I managed to reproduce the problem on my side and created new issue #8904 in our defect database. I will notify you as soon as it si fixed.
Best regards.

Thank you for logging this issue in your defect database.
Is it possible you can provide any rough timeline on when this issue is likely to be reviewed and fixed? Any information you can provide regarding the time frame to fix this will be appreciated.
Thank You for your assistance!


Thanks for your request. Currently, I cannot give you any estimate regarding the issue. Please expect a reply before next hotfix (within 4-5 weeks). We might just fix the issue by then or provide you more information. Thanks for your understanding.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 8904) have been fixed in this update.

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