Problem with multi level lists

I am evaluating ‘Aspose.words for Java’ product for an enterprise OEM license. Yesterday i downloaded the latest version from your web site and am currently testing the conversion functionality using ‘DocumentExplorer’ demo application. I am able to conver most of my documents to HTML without any issues, except a simple document that contains multi level list. Coversion of the attached document to HTML is failing with NullPointerException message.
I am wondering if its a known issue and so when are you planning to provide a fix for this problem. I apprecite your quick response.

Thank you for reporting this to us. I managed to reproduce the problem. I have created the issue # 4343 in our defect database. Please expect a reply before the next hotfix (within 2-3 weeks). We might just fix it by then or provide more information.
Best regards.

Thanks for your quick response. Is there a workaround/temporary fix so that i can continue with my evaluation process?

I tried open/save your document using MSWord and it works fine now. See the attached document.
Best regards.

Hi, Ravi,
The issue is fixed and will be published in the next maintenance release (within 2 weeks).
For workaround you should not use the newly introduced in MS Word 2007 styles. Specifically, the “ListParagraph” style (i.e. style of all lists in your document) causes the exception.
Best Regards,