Problem with Range Formats

Dear Team Aspose:

We have the following problem, by generating a file, in creating Ranges and the format to try to give some cells (range) of this file to generate what is happening in the picture attached,
Deputy few lines of code used:

Workbook Excel, Worksheet WS, clsSlide_Block Block, int Row, int Col,

WS.Cells.ImportTwoDimensionArray(Block.GetMatrixValue(), Row, (byte) (Col + 1));

Where the block is a matrix with some values and the remaining are null values,

Could help, we hope your comments,


Could you post a sample project to show this issue?

And please check whether there is this issue if the matrix only contains simple values.


Please try this fix. In the old version, if the member of the array is null, we will treat it as "".

In this fix,we use Cell.GetStyle and SetStyle method replace the property of Cell.Style. The two methods will save more memory usage than cell.Style property.

If you want to set style of the cell, please change your codes as :

//Getting the style of the cell.

Style style = cell.GetStyle();

//Setting the property of the style.


//Setting the style of the cell
