Problems converting from DOCX to PDF with PreserveFormFields

There are some problems with the PreserveFormFields=true option when converting from Word to Pdf using Aspose.Words on .Net.
I understand from the documentation that there are some losses of formatting and the output size depends on the content size.
But when used inside a table in some scenarios there are overlaps of the fields making the content nearly impossible to read or be edited properly. Based on the content size and the width of the table columns they are in, the editable fields should be scaled properly in height, at least preserve the content visually intact and be intractable without overlaps.

I have attached a sample .docx file and the converted .pdf.
Controls.docx (21.9 KB)
Controls.docx.pdf (41.7 KB)

Is there anything that can be done to fix or improve this?

Thank you

@gwert We will investigate whether it is possible to preserve multiline form fields in PDF documents.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-25992

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

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Hi there,

We saw that the status of issue WORDSNET-25992 is Postponed and we are not familiar with that status.
Can you please let us know what does it mean in terms of of what is next for the card?

Thank you!

@gwert The postponed status means the issue is not yet scheduled for development and there is no plans to implement the functionality in the nearest future. Please accept our apologies for your inconvenience.

Thanks for following up here.

We were planning to go the path of using paid support to find both a workaround and a permanent fix but this response set us off…

We would appreciate any insight on whether there is any chance to achieving some sort of workaround here.

Thank you.

@gwert Unfortunately, currently there is no way to export multiline form fields to PDF using Aspose.Words. To preserve original document layout it is required to disable PreserveFormFields option. At the moment only single line form fields are supported.