Problems extracting table information:


I have som problems in finding if a table has table borders or not i aspose.word(visible or not). The only thing I found on borders are in either rows or cells.
“table.FirstRow.RowFormat.Borders.Left.IsVisible”. This can’t be the way to see if the table has borders or not or is it?
How many of the rows do I then have to check if the table has borders or not (if there are several rows in the table)?
What about the cell border info?

I trying to make a cals table out of a word table as for this simple example:

| |Text in several lines |
| |Text in several lines |
| |Text in several lines |
| |Text in several lines |
| |Text in several lines |
| |Text in several lines |
|text in the left corner |Text in several lines |
the output in cals should come out in the follwing format.

text in the left corner

Text in several lines Text in several lines Text in several lines Text in several lines Text in several lines Text in several lines
Text in several lines

what about the case when a table looks like this? how do I collect the border formatting on the table?
the bottom row has sides and bottom borders.
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | | |


Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, there is no way to get/set border around table. Currently you can only set borders around rows and cells. Your request has been linked o the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as this feature is available.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-581) have been fixed in this .NET update and in this Java update.

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