Problems reading workbook


I have a excel file containing data that I want to import into an application I'm working on.

When I try to access the cells in the different sheets of this excel file, nothing is returned.

If I copy the individual sheets to a new excel file and try to read the cells from the new file, this works fine.

Could there be a setting on the excel file, that prevents me from being able to access the content of the cells ?


Could you give us more details and post your sample code with your template file here to show the issue, We will check it soon.

And which version of Aspose.Cells for .NET / Java you are using.

Thank you.

Hi again.

I'm using Aspose.cells for java. I'm uncertain about the version. Where can i find the version number,

is it written somewhere in the folder apsose.cells ?

I tried again with the file in question but know I get the following error message:

Problems opening file :java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 8813.

In the file I'm trying to access there are a lot of different sheets. The sheets are named, and before I was able to see the name of the sheets while I'm debugging, but not read the content of the cells. Now I'm not able to open the file. I'm attaching the file.

The code used for opening the file is

Workbook chemicalListing = new Workbook();



catch(Exception e)




Thanks for providing us the template file.

Please try the attached version ( I tested your template file with it and it works fine.

For checking version number, you may either extract the .jar file and check the MANIFEST file to know the specification version number or use the following line of code in a simple java program using Aspose.Cells APIs:


Thank you.