Problems with Aspose.Slides AddClone


I’m trying to generate a new combined presentation from a bunch of single slide presentations (PPTX, Office 2010) by using the AddClone method. Unfortunately the formatting of many elements is wrong (size 0, displayed with a certain angle outside of slide canvas).
Sample-slides and generated PPTX are in the attachment. The code looks (roughly) as follows:

PresentationEx presentation = new PresentationEx();

MemoryStream sourcePPTXStream2 = new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.TMP715155bacbcb44048b6cfdc934274832);
PresentationEx sourcePresentation2 = new PresentationEx(sourcePPTXStream2);
MemoryStream sourcePPTXStream3 = new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.TMP79d47b724959476998fe2d2a2ffbac14);
PresentationEx sourcePresentation3 = new PresentationEx(sourcePPTXStream3);


string tmpFileName = Path.GetTempPath() + “/AsposePPTXGenerationTest.pptx”;
presentation.Save(tmpFileName, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);

How can I get 1 real 1:1 copy of the corresponding slides? Any errors with the above approach?


Hi Stefan,

I have observed the sample code and generated presentation. Please use Aspose.Slides for .NET 7.0.0 and it will resolve the issue. I have shared the generated presentation as well for your reference.

Many Thanks,