Problems with line breaks


I've problems to use the Aspose.Cell to convert xls to pdf.
My code is:

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
string strExcel = @"C:\PDF\xls.pdf";
workbook.Save(strExcel, FileFormatType.Pdf);

When I convert, some cells didn't make the line breaks and the text disppear at right margin.

I Attached the xls file and the pdf result.

I used the version of Aspose.Cell.dll.

can you help me?


Marcelo Leite


Thanks for providing us the template files.

After an initial test, I have found the issue. We will figure the issue out soon.

I have logged your issue into our issue tracking system with an issue id: CELLSNET-17570. Once it is sorted out, we will let you know about it.

Thank you.

Hello Amjad,

I need a position asap about this issue to send to my customer.

Do you have a date for correct this issue?



We will update you soon regarding your issue…

Thank you.


We have fixed your issue, please try the attached version and let us know if it works fine now.

Thank you.