Processing of charts


We are using Aspose.Words for .NET 17.7 for converting MS Office documents to PDF. We found some issues with processing of charts. Please see in attached ZIP initial DOCX file and compare output PDF files generated by Aspose.Words and by MS Word. In PDF file generated by MS Word all charts look like in initial DOCX file. In PDF file generated by Aspose.Words:

  • scales of some charts are changed;
  • some charts contain more or less segments;
  • rotation of some charts is changed.

In attached ZIP:

Charts.docx - initial DOCX file;
Charts.pdf - PDF file generated by MS Word;
Charts.docx.pdf - PDF file genereated by Aspose.Words.

Roman (467.3 KB)


Thanks for your inquiry. We have noticed scaling and rotation issues in charts and logged following issues for further investigation and rectification. We will notify you as soon as these issues are resolved.

WORDSNET-15944: Scaling issue in Charts
WORDSNET-15945: Rotation issue in Charts

However, we will appreciate it if you please share some more details about above issue with screenshots, we will look into it and will provide you information accordingly.


I’ve attached 3 screenshots on which the difference is clearly visible. Things what I mean, is marked with red rectangles.


Chart1Diff.png (100.9 KB)
Chart2Diff.png (42.1 KB)
Chart3Diff.png (37.5 KB)


Thanks for your feedback. We have noticed the reported issue and logged another ticket WORDSNET-15958 in our issue tracking system for investigation and rectification. We will notify you as soon as these issue are resolved.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-15944 and WORDSNET-15958) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 18.1 update and this Aspose.Words for Java 18.1 update.
Please also check the following articles:


I downloaded the latest version of the Words (19.1), and checked the issues described above. Some of them are not reproduced in this version, but chart rotation is still observed. Also, the sizes of some charts are slightly different from those generated by the Microsoft Word. Please see screenshots (Page1Diff.png, Page2Diff.png and Page3Diff.png) from the attached ZIP.

Is there any updates on this issue?

In attached ZIP:
Charts.docx - initial file;
Charts.docx.19.1.pdf - PDF, generated by Aspose.Words 19.1;
Charts.pdf - PDF, generated by MS Word.

Roman (720.1 KB)


The rotation problem will be resolved with the resolution of existing outstanding issues WORDSNET-15945 and WORDSNET-7988.

However, we have logged a new issue (WORDSNET-18093) to address above sizing problem. We will inform you via this thread as soon as the linked issues will be resolved in future. We apologize for your inconvenience.