Proper fix for libgdiplus workaround with .Net 6 in Linux containers

Hello support team,

We are using Asponse.Cells license version 22.4, we have recently upgraded our application to .Net 6 and deployed it into Linux containers.

We have followed the documentation to produce the Docker file.

Then, we have workaround the issue with libgdiplus in Linux environment with .Net 6 by enabling EnableUnixSupport setting in runtimeconfig.json as per Microsoft documentation.

And it works just fine. Our concern is: given that EnableUnixSupport setting will not be available in .Net 7, what is the roadmap for the libgdiplus in Linux issue?

When can we expect a proper fix?

Best regards


You may continue to use this switch if it works for your needs.

Please note, we will develop (new) supported versions to fix GDI and other issues which will eliminate the dependencies of System.Drawing.Common and libgdiplus on non-Windows platforms. But since the task itself involves complexities so this is not going to be implemented/supported any time soon. Our plan is to implement in sync when the official version of .NET 7 will be released by Microsoft.