PST Creation demo issue

Trying to use PST example to create a PST. Appears the demo does not include some required .dll members, or at least I can not find them. I am getting compiler errors. See attached. Looks like I need dll Aspose.Email .Outlook.Pst and Aspose.Email .Outlook but I can not find them.


Hi Tom,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Aspose.Email.Outlook.Pst and Aspose.Email.Outlook are namespaces present in same assembly. You only have to import these namespaces (i.e. using Aspose.Email.Outlook.Pst) in your program to avoid compilation errors. Alternatively you can also use fully qualified namespaces. Please check the below source for your reference,


// Create new PST
using (Aspose.Email.Outlook.Pst.PersonalStorage pst = Aspose.Email.Outlook.Pst.PersonalStorage.Create(“new.pst”, Aspose.Email.Outlook.Pst.FileFormatVersion.Unicode))
// Add new folder “Inbox”
// Select the “Inbox” folder
Aspose.Email.Outlook.Pst.FolderInfo inboxFolder = pst.RootFolder.GetSubFolder(“Inbox”);

// Add some messages to “Inbox” folder

The problem is when I unzipped the demo I can not find member Aspose.Email.Outlook.Pst.dll or Aspose.Email.Outlook.dll. Thus the compile fails. I can not reference then with code using Aspose.Email.Outlook.Pst or using Aspose.Email.Outlook.Pst.

Where can I download the correct .dll members for this trial demo to work? Are these the correct ones?


Please download the latest release (MSI) of Aspose.Email for .NET from this page. After installation, the dlls can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Aspose\Aspose.Email for .NET\Bin default folder. You need to add reference to the Aspose.Email.dll in your Visual Studio project, the compiler errors will then be resolved.