Pst Folder getContentCount

Hi team,
can i get Path with folder with mail count in brackets in pst,
for ex: Top of personal folder/inbox[0]/test[1]/… so on


Thank you for contacting Aspose Support.
Please use the code snippet given below to get the mail count of all the folders in PST.

PersonalStorage pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile(filePath, true);
FolderInfo rootFolder = pst.RootFolder;

private static void DisplayFolderContents(FolderInfo folderInfo)
    if (folderInfo.HasSubFolders == true)
        foreach (FolderInfo subfolderInfo in folderInfo.GetSubFolders())
            Console.WriteLine(subfolderInfo.DisplayName + "[" + subfolderInfo.ContentCount + "]");

We hope that this answered your question. Please feel free to reach us if additional information is required.

No i dont wanna print this way i want full path with folderContentCount. i want to create tree from this path in java


You may generate similar output to the one shared in your initial message by using the code snippet given below.

PersonalStorage pst = PersonalStorage.fromFile(filePath, true);
FolderInfo rootFolder = pst.getRootFolder();
String path = rootFolder.getDisplayName();
path = path + displayFolderContents(rootFolder);

private static String displayFolderContents(FolderInfo folderInfo) {
    String path = "";
    if (folderInfo.hasSubFolders()){
        for (FolderInfo subfolderInfo : folderInfo.getSubFolders()){
            path = path + "/" + subfolderInfo.getDisplayName() + "[" + subfolderInfo.getContentCount() + "]";
            path = path + displayFolderContents(subfolderInfo);
    return path;

You may modify the code provided according to your specific requirements.

can i customized this method “FolderInfo.retrieveFullPath()” , where each folder contains it mail count with full path.
like this - Top of personal folder[0];
Top of Personal folder[0]\Inbox[1];
Top of Personal folder[0]\Inbox[1]\test[10];


Thank you for your feedback.
Please use the code snippet given below to generate the folder paths with the content count.

private static void getAllFolderPaths() {
    PersonalStorage pst = PersonalStorage.fromFile(fileName, true);
    FolderInfo rootFolder = pst.getRootFolder();

    HashMap<String, Integer> contents = new HashMap<>();
    contents.put(rootFolder.getDisplayName(), rootFolder.getContentCount());

    HashMap<String, String> paths = new HashMap<>();
    paths.put(rootFolder.getDisplayName(), rootFolder.getDisplayName() + "[" + rootFolder.getContentCount() + "]");

    getFolderContentCount(rootFolder, contents);
    getFolderPaths(rootFolder, paths, contents);

    for(String name: paths.keySet()){
        String path = paths.get(name);
        System.out.println(name + " -> " + path);

private static void getFolderContentCount(FolderInfo folderInfo, HashMap<String, Integer> contents) {
    if (folderInfo.hasSubFolders()) {
        for (FolderInfo subfolderInfo : folderInfo.getSubFolders()){
            contents.put(subfolderInfo.getDisplayName(), subfolderInfo.getContentCount());
            getFolderContentCount(subfolderInfo, contents);

private static void getFolderPaths(FolderInfo folderInfo, HashMap<String, String> paths, HashMap<String, Integer> contents){
    if (folderInfo.hasSubFolders()) {
        for (FolderInfo subfolderInfo : folderInfo.getSubFolders()){
            paths.put(subfolderInfo.getDisplayName(), generateFolderPath(subfolderInfo.retrieveFullPath(), contents));
            getFolderPaths(subfolderInfo, paths, contents);

private static String generateFolderPath(String fullPath, Map contents) {
    String path = "";
    String[] parts = fullPath.split(Matcher.quoteReplacement(System.getProperty("file.separator")));
    for(String part : parts){
        path = path + part + "[" + contents.get(part) + "]" + System.getProperty("file.separator");
    return path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);

We hope that this answered your question. Please feel free to reach us if additional information is required.

This code doesn’t give path in sequence like folderInfo.retrieveFullPath. how do i get path in sequence.


Please elaborate further regarding the issue that you are facing. In our testing, folderInfo.retrieveFullPath returned a path like “Top of Personal Folders\Inbox\Test1\Test2”. The code given in the previous message changes this path to “Top of Personal Folders[0]\Inbox[1]\Test1[0]\Test2[2]”. The path remains the same.

In this code there is a problem, when i am creating folder in pst with same name its content count is not updating. may be this problem is arises due to hashmap, because hashmap doesn’t contain duplicate values in it


Thank you for your feedback.

You may modify the code as shown below to handle folders with the same name.

private static void getFolderContentCount(FolderInfo folderInfo, HashMap<String, Integer> contents) {
    if (folderInfo.hasSubFolders()) {
        for (FolderInfo subfolderInfo : folderInfo.getSubFolders()){
            contents.put(subfolderInfo.retrieveFullPath(), subfolderInfo.getContentCount());
            getFolderContentCount(subfolderInfo, contents);

private static void getFolderPaths(FolderInfo folderInfo, HashMap<String, String> paths, HashMap<String, Integer> contents){
    if (folderInfo.hasSubFolders()) {
        for (FolderInfo subfolderInfo : folderInfo.getSubFolders()){
            paths.put(subfolderInfo.retrieveFullPath(), generateFolderPath(subfolderInfo.retrieveFullPath(), contents));
            getFolderPaths(subfolderInfo, paths, contents);

private static String generateFolderPath(String fullPath, HashMap<String, Integer> contents) {
    String path = "";
    String[] parts = fullPath.split(Matcher.quoteReplacement(System.getProperty("file.separator")));
    int i = 0;
    for(String part : parts){
        int j = 0;
        String identifier = "";
        while(j <= i){
            identifier = identifier + parts[j] + "\\";
        identifier = identifier.substring(0, identifier.length() - 1);
        path = path + part + "[" + contents.get(identifier) + "]" + System.getProperty("file.separator");
    return path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);

We hope that the code given above solved the issue that you were facing. Please feel free to reach us if additional information is required.